研究领域 :
365bet365官认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室、IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research 教授。于2006年获哈佛大学心理学系脑、认知、行为专业博士学位;1995年和1998年分别在东北师范大学和365bet365官获心理学学士、心理学硕士学位。“973”青年专项首席科学家,国家优秀青年科学基金、教育部新世纪优秀人才基金获得者。获Sackler Scholars Programme in Psychobiology奖、美国心理科学学会新星奖。担任北京神经科学学会理事。
Wang, X., Caramazza, A., Han, Z., Bi, Y.* (in press). Reading without speech sounds: VWFA and its connectivity in the congenitally deaf. Cerebral Cortex.2014; doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhu044
Peelen, M.*, He, C., Han, Z, Caramazza, A., Bi, Y.* (2014). Nonvisual and visual object shape representations in occipitotemporal cortex: Evidence from congenitally blind and sighted adults. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(1): 163-170.
Han, Z., Bi, Y.*, Chen, J., Chen Q., He, Y., Caramazza, A. (2013). Distinct regions of right temporal cortex are associated with biological and human–agent motion: Functional magnetic resonance imaging and neuropsychological evidence. TheJournal of Neuroscience, 33(39):15442-15453.
Han, Z., Ma, Y., Gong, G., He, Y., Caramazza, A., Bi, Y.* (2013). White matter structural connectivity underlying semantic processing: Evidence from brain damaged patients. Brain, 136(10): 2952-2965.
Peelen, M., Bracci, S., Lu, X., He, C., Caramazza, A., Bi, Y. (2013). Tool selectivity in left occipitotemporal cortex develops without vision. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 25:8, 1225-1234.
Wang, X., Han, Z., He, Y., Caramazza, A., Song, L., Bi, Y.* (2013). Where color rests: Spontaneous brain activity of bilateral fusiform and lingual regions predicts object color knowledge performance.NeuroImage, 76: 252-263.
He, C., Peelen, M., Han, Z., Lin, N., Caramazza, A., Bi, Y.* (2013). Selectivity for large nonmanipulable objects in scene-selective visual cortex does not require visual experience. NeuroImage, 79: 1-9.
Wei, T., Liang, X., He, Y., Zang, Y., Han, Z., Caramazza, A., Bi, Y.* (2012). Predicting conceptual processing capacity from spontaneous neuronal activity of the left middle temporal gyrus. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(2), 481-489.
Bi, Y. *, Wei, T., Wu, C., Han, Z.*, Jiang, T., Caramazza, A. (2011). The role of the left anterior temporal lobe in language processing revisited: Evidence from an individual with ATL resection. Cortex. 47, 575-587.
Lin, N., Lu, X., Fang, F., Han, Z., & Bi, Y. * (2011). Is the semantic category effect in the lateral temporal cortex due to motion property differences? NeuroImage. 55, 1853-1864.
Bi, Y. *, Yu, X., Geng, J., & Alario, F.-X. (2010). The role of visual form in lexical access: Evidence from Chinese classifier production. Cognition.116, 101-109.
Bi, Y., Han, Z., Shu, H., & Caramazza A. (2007). Nouns, verbs, objects, actions, and the animate/inanimate effect. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 24 (5), 485-504.